Convenient Walk-In Physical Exams for Adults & Children in Chattanooga, TN

Baby girl happly cooprate with doctor to health checkupIt can be difficult to fit in a visit to your primary care provider every time you or a family member needs a physical, which are often required for everything from school to work to travel. Fortunately, Erlanger ExpressCare offers a convenient alternative for Chattanooga, Tennessee, residents—our friendly and professional team can provide physical exams for adults and children over the age of two on a walk-in basis, or you can reserve your place in line with our online booking tool. We are open seven days per week with extended hours for your convenience.

Types of Physical Exams We Perform

Our experienced providers can conduct a variety of types of physical examinations, including:

It’s important to note that while our examinations are thorough, they are not a replacement for your comprehensive annual physical, which should be conducted by your primary care provider.

Why Choose Erlanger ExpressCare?

When you visit Erlanger ExpressCare, you can feel confident that you’ll receive an efficient and thorough physical exam. We are the only urgent care center in the region that is accredited by the Urgent Care Association (UCA) to provide the highest scope of quality care. As a joint venture with Erlanger Health System, we are able to deliver a high standard of care and expedite the transfer of patients to another department within the system if additional testing or treatment becomes necessary. Additionally, our clinics are always clean and welcoming, and we pride ourselves on our short wait times. Visit our downtown Chattanooga clinic today at 325 Market Street for a convenient physical exam.